When you click Play, you'll hear the voice of Jamie Harvie, reflecting on the mindset that's at stake as he works on one practical project: ending the use of single-use bags.
When I first connected with Jamie, he told me about this campaign in Duluth, MN, to move on from single-use bags and promote a culture of reuse. Pretty quickly, though, I learned how much wider his scope of action and reflection has been: he led the effort to phase mercury out of healthcare here in the U.S., he's involved in a Rights of Nature campaign, he serves as the executive director of the Psychedelic Research and Training Institute (PRATI), and he holds questions like how can we have an economy that's in service of the sacred? How do we see the sacred in one another? What kinds of shifts in perspective can come out of the Rights of Nature conversation, that are even more important than any laws?
Click Play now to hear us talk about all that, and:
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Show Notes: turningseason.com/episode7)