On our podcast today we play host to James Peacock, president of the Arizona branch of inXpress, the international shipping guru that has saved both Grant and myself tons of money shipping overseas. What makes his website great is the fact that it requires no extra fees. You only pay when you ship, and the discounts you receive from inXpress can be combined with your existing discounts from USPS and UPS.
James offers up some insightful tidbits of business information that can help you conquer the biggest challenge of e-commerce: Shipping! “People use our account as a barometer to see what kind of deals you’ll be getting,” James says as he explains the price of goods both domestically and abroad. “Every small to mid-size company are all receiving a discount…the problem is that, because international is the smallest amount of their shipping volume, the discount equals the volume. So if you have low volume, you have low discounts. We’re saving people over 40% [internationally] on top of their discounts from USPS.”
Beyond telling you how to save money, James also shares his opinion on:
The cost benefits of air shipping over sea shipping and vice-versa
The pros and cons of purchasing from overseas vendors, including China, Canada, and Europe
The meaning of “all-in pricing” when it comes to security, fees, and taxes involved with importing and exporting abroad
How you can save money on your logistics by shopping for smart shippers
To learn more about James and his work with inXpress, tune in today and visit his website at www.intlshippingrates.com). You can also reach him directly by phone at 480-405-6390 or online at [email protected]).
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