cover of episode Episode 32: Greg Mercer on Jungle Scout's Suite of Tools for Amazon Sellers

Episode 32: Greg Mercer on Jungle Scout's Suite of Tools for Amazon Sellers

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The Ecomcrew Ecommerce Podcast

Shownotes Transcript

Our guest today is Greg Mercer, the founder of JungleScout. Jungle Scout is an application that pairs with a seller’s Amazon account. The software offers a suite of tools for Amazon sellers to help them optimize their product and the product reputation. 

Greg also has his hand in other software tools such as Fetcher, Spitly, and Review Kick. On today’s episode, Greg tells us about how Jungle Scout got its start and how their products complies with Amazon’s new system changes.

The topics we covered today are:

Greg’s digital nomadic lifestyle Jungle Scout’s product database Jungle Scout’s uses to Amazon sellers Greg’s rules of thumb Why Jungle Scout was created The development of Spitly and its uses Beta testing with Fetcher Using Review Kick Greg’s opinion of where Amazon will be in 3 years

Resources Mentioned Today:

Review Kick)


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