On today’s podcast we talk about SHIPPING! It’s the first thing we look at when we are seeking out online businesses to buy and own. E-commerce operates on a whole other level that involves storage and shipping since you may not always have a brick-and-mortar storefront to hold your goods. You need to know the size and weight of the items you plan on selling so that you can organize your shipping logistics accordingly and affordably.
Shipping is very important, and knowing the weight, the size, and the fragility of each of your items will save you a lot of stress when it comes to finding the right shipping team. Logistics is a tricky realm to balance, and many people overlook it and focus more on other elements of businesses ownership, like marketing, sales, and conversion.
That’s why, on today’s cast, we cover the most important aspects of logistics, including:
Stocking items that can utilize the USPS flat-rate boxes (pro-tip: USPS is much, much cheaper than UPS)
Researching and investing in products that won’t become obsolete after 6 months
Paying attention to your margin and be sure your shipping doesn’t cut into your profit
Recognizing that the industry is always in flux and you will have to change your model numbers
Realizing early on how important shipping is will save you the headache later. It will influence which online businesses you choose to invest in, and it will help you maintain your success as a business owner. Shipping your products the right way proves to your clients and your manufacturers that you care about each and every item you are selling. Because if you don’t care, why should they?
And because shipping plays such a huge role in buying and selling domains and e-commerce websites, we offer up even more tips and tricks in this episode so you know what to look out for as you start shopping around, including:
Evaluation: How much are you willing to pay?
Risk Management: What do you have to lose?
Staff and Salary: Who is taking care of the backend of your site?
Customer Service: What are your customers asking you?
Tune in today and find out how you can ship affordably and invest wisely in your next online business venture!
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