In this episode of the EcomCrew podcast, I’m joined by Michael Epstein, one of the co-founders of PostPilot, a company that helps e-commerce businesses by using direct mail marketing to create memorable customer experiences to increase sales.
We also discuss how PostPilot started and the idea behind going back to physical postcards to advertise products, discounts, and services. We also talk about how companies have been faring after subscribing to their services. Timestamps:
2:07 — Introduction
6:37 — Inspiration behind PostPilot
8:40 — How to reacquire customers who churned
10:16 — New features PostPilot’s been working on
14:24 — Internal benchmarks to measure for future campaigns
17:48 — Tactics/incentives to reacquire old customers
24:15 — How to use lookalike audience attributes to refine ROAS
27:17 — Abandon cart win-back campaigns
29:15 — Minimum threshold for companies before hitting a benchmark
30:38 — PostPilot’s exclusive offering to EcomCrew members
Thank you so much to Michael for doing this week’s podcast episode with me after I had his co-founder Drew on the podcast) a few years ago and learned so much about the growth of their business and their plans for the future.
He was also so kind for giving EcomCrew members freebies in their first few months when they sign up on PostPilot.
If you want to learn more about their business, you can check them out on
Don’t forget to leave us a review over on iTunes if you enjoyed this episode. Until the next one, happy selling!