A lot has happened since the big announcement about Knitting.com. It went viral, but not for the right reasons. In this episode, Mike and Dave set the record straight.
Shortly after we released the blog post and podcast about Knitting.com, we got into hot water with members of the knitting community.
While we’ve gotten some pretty harsh comments, we’ve also received helpful advice from knitters that we will definitely implement as we grow this business.
Looking back, we realized that there were certainly points we could’ve articulated better, but there’s no point in dwelling in the past.
In this podcast, we hope to shed light on our business plan and hopefully, clarify some details.
Intro - 0:00 What happened after we announced Knitting.com - 0:38 How our message was interpreted - 3:26 What we could’ve done better - 7:03 The significance of local yarn stores in the knitting community - 10:57 Our approach to Knitting.com - 12:47 The business plan - 17:45 Our goals for the business - 25:11 What we’ve been up to lately - 30:12 The impact we hope to make with Knitting.com - 31:53
When we launch Knitting.com later this year, we hope to put out a content website and a lineup of quality products that hopefully novice knitters will find useful and beneficial.
That’s it for this week’s episode. Feel free to leave us a review over on iTunes) if you enjoy our podcast. Happy selling and we’ll see you in the next one!