Ran, Simon, and SarahJane update the progress of our Summer of Giving campaign. We jump on the #EliminateTheCrates Challenge created by Wrexham AFC superfan Jay to support the Wrexham Foodbank.
Donation page for Wrexham Foodbank https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/eliminate-empty-crates
We spin the wheel for this week's prize winner with some minor mishaps along the way. We congratulate Luke Young, and Steven Fletcher for their new respective contracts, talk Kop, Wrexham AFC's social media presence, membership costs, and more.
Plus the Final 5er emoji challenge!
Enter into our weekly summer give-a-way two ways:
YouTube: Like and subscribe to the @TeachMeWrexham channel. Email a screenshot of your donation to [email protected]
Twitter: Follow, and Quote retweet with the hashtag #WXMgiving. Post or DM your screenshot to https://twitter.com/TeachMeWxmPod
Baseball Shirt: https://www2.mlbshopeurope.com/en/mlb-merchandise/mlb-47-wrexham-x-london-series-2024-t-shirt/t-25772163+p-572245951236965+z-9-2324319315
Where to find: Wrexham Foodbank https://twitter.com/WrexhamFoodbank Website - https://wrexham.foodbank.org.uk/
Teach Me How to Wrexham https://twitter.com/TeachMeWxmPod
Simon https://twitter.com/CryptikConstruc
Ran https://twitter.com/BeerBearBeerWxm
SarahJane https://twitter.com/SJaneyWrexham
Episode #58 Summer of Giving: ep 4 Recorded: June 2024
#wrexhamafc #WrexhamAFCWomen #Wrexham #Wrecsam #WXM #WxmAFC #askwxm #WelcometoWrexham #WrexhamFX #EFL #DragonHeart #TeachMeHowToWrexham #TeachMeWXMpod #WXMGiving #YourSpace EliminateTheCrates #WrexhamFoodbank