We're going to be totally honest about some stuff today, Neighbor! The Peaches still has been dealing with some emotional and psychological discomfort. (We would blame the thyroid if we could, but that's has been ruled out, so.... darn.) Sometimes, life's trials just FEEL more weighty than other times...
Hang on, we have a quick interruption while Collin amazes everyone with his poem-thingy...
Okay--back to the subject. The Peaches is going to be very cautious ("guarded") with her words today. But John wants to lay everything out on the table and tell you about some interpersonal conflict. Not everyone handles their struggles/crisis by dialoging with their Christian family and processing things. But that's how WE roll.
There are some problems at church because many people aren't comfortable with open communication.
Join us at the table. Let's say true things.