Luke has just finished a Ghost Pepper Chicken Sandwich, and the McBabies are pretty noisy in the kitchen! (It's happy sounds, Neighbor Carl. Don't worry.) Some kids need company when they're doing chores, as a reminder to stay focused. But...not Silas.
Now, let's talk about Luke's trouble-making ways on social media. He posted a John MacArthur quote: "I couldn't care less what a nonbeliever wants in a church service." Cue the offended Church Ladies.
Some of these women aren't busy enough at home, and so they have nothing to "nurse" except a grudge.
"I thought you were supposed to be LOVING...isn't that what CHRiST would do?!"
Wow, that sounds like something a Wolf would say.
"Um...Wolves are only religious people. The Bible never refers to unbelievers as wolves."
Yeah, that's ALSO something a Wolf would say.
Later: Luke wasn't done offending the Fairer Sex. He said somet things about education to a woman who didn't think he had the right college degree for that sort of truth.
Contact the Comedian (and send your hate mail to Luke) by emailing [email protected]).
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