John is desperately injured... Sports, sore hips, and charlie horses.
But it could be worse! We could be crushed by the ocean while riding in a tin can!
There was a time when men were respected for their courage and willingness to take perilous risks for the sake of potentially great reward. But, in our current society, most people try to mitigate and avoid risk as much as possible. Someone who fails spectacularly isn't encouraged for at least TRYING... he's ridiculed for doing something "stupid" which "could have been avoided."
You've got Christopher Columbus, the Apollo Missions, and Whats-her-name in that strapless gown. What do all of them have in common???
What would cause a person to attempt to go over Niagara Falls in a barrel? Or tighrope walk between skyscrapers?
Later: If you want a good example of concentrated evil, ask The Internet how it feels about Billionaires who lost their lives in a horrific accident. How can people justify SAYING these ugly, despicable things?
Here's our theory about The Role-Play Game Phenomenon.
People are creating Altar Egos on the internet, and then those Altars are taking over...
To contact The Comedian, John Branyan, just email him at [email protected].)