cover of episode TCND: She Deserves Better (Nefarious Boobs and Swords)

TCND: She Deserves Better (Nefarious Boobs and Swords)

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The Comedian Next Door

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Welcome, Neighbor!  John went to see "Nefarious" at the theater, and it was quite the experience... These previews are NOT approved for all audiences.  He shares his favorite quote from the movie, and admits he generally enjoyed watching Satan beat the Atheist. 

The following is a much longer-than-intended discussion about the use of language, violence, and gratuitous sex in Rated R movies. (See: "Boobs and Swords") Also, on the complete opposite end of the spectrum, we reminisce about an old made-for-TV special that's near and dear to our hearts... 

Later: let's talk about a book that's being promoted to Christian women, but let's pretend to censor the author's name.  "Shasta McGwire" is about to release a book called "She Deserves Better." The premise is the church uses a double standard when teaching boys and girls about sex/modesty.  (We've never heard that before, right?)  It's not faaaaaaaaaair, Neighbor!

John doesn't want to call out the author by name, because he doesn't want to deal with their shrieking and finger-wagging.   In other words, he doesn't love them enough to tolerate their tantrums in order to tell them something they need to hear. (That's probably what led to thousands of spoiled, insufferable women in the first place...their parents felt the same way when they were young.) 

The obvious question, though, is: "She deserves better THAN WHAT?"

The Bible says we discipline children when we LOVE them. Only a fool despises wisdom and learning. So what's with all these "adult" Christian women, complaining that they're getting more discipline than their brothers? Even if it's true (and it's not), why are women demanding to be treated with Kid Gloves?There's nothing BETTER than holding someone to a very, very, very, very high standard. If you don't, they turn into whiney, self-sorrying Feminists.  (Or self-pitying. Whichever you prefer.)Contact The Comedian Next Door by emailing [email protected]).  Also, time is running out to join us on vacation! Vacay with Comics is happening July 28th-30th. Details are here: