Hey, Neighbor. Our beloved YouTube show, Starving Comics, is coming to an end. (Or, it has already come to an end--since you're listening after the end.) We hope you're thoroughly confused. Or at least angry. If you're sad, we can definitely give you a different emotion to experience...
By the way, make note of the fact that Kevin James has a new comedy special, but John doesn't want to say anything else about it.
Then: Lots of comedians struggle with needing validation from strangers. But that's not really John's temptation. For the Peaches, taking a picture with Elijah Wood is actually VOMITOUS. Later: What does any of this have to do with a hoarder who keeps bottles of human waste near her fridge? People need to have their conscience trained...but nobody is willing to tell them when they're GROSS.
Email the Comedian's family at [email protected]).