This episode was recorded over video chat, and that's why it sounds like we're interrupting each other constantly. (Particularly the audio tracks for Juan and Peaches seem to have gotten smashed together during the recording, rather than a nice, smooth, back-and-forth.) Please forgive the weird delays and places where Juan (and Brian) are not even audible, for some reason. We could hear them just fine in real life!Anyway, we just got back from the FLF Conference, and we want to stress that Ken Ham and the Answers in Genesis people are BROTHERS AND SISTERS IN CHRIST. (This is not a salvation issue.) We want to be charitable to the Young Earth Creationists--we just wish they would return the favor.
The real battle throughout human history has been: will we respect God's Word or Man's Word??? We totally agree with Ken Ham about that. But WHICH of the words in his hour-long talk were God's Words?
Let's discuss:
-24-hour days of creation
-describing an act of God in human language
-taking William Lane Craig out of context
-taking the name of Ken Ham in vain
Do you want to tell us we're compromising the Scripture? Email [email protected]) to give us a piece of your mind!