John and The Peaches are joined at the table by Tabby--the other sister. Tabby's baby is a grabby baby. (Say that three times fast.) The conversation ambles around family and food... and then we get down to business!
The camping trip last week did NOT go according to plan. Spoilers: there was car trouble and much, much, much vomit. What can we do when the family trip just keeps delivering blow after blow? How can we be emotionally okay--when things are falling apart physically?On the one hand, it's nice to feel needed and to have your job clearly laid out in front of you. But how many of us actually live as though we believe that "blessings come through raindrops and healing comes through tears"? (Update: That song is only 11 years old. But it might as well be 30.)It's a miracle of the Holy Spirit whenever ANYONE is able to step outside the terrible situation and stay Kingdom-minded. Then: WHYYYYYY ME?!?!?! Lessons from Nancy Kerrigan and the Pipe Incident... Later: Why were the city fireworks so weird this year? We don't know for sure, but now John has a great idea for a musical. If you'd like to contact the Comedian Next Door, email [email protected]. Also--we want you to come on vacation with our family and several of our Comedian Friends. Visit the and get more information about VACAY WITH COMICS 2023.