Every Sunday at 7:00pm Eastern Time, John Branyan LIVE streams a comedy show with three of his most talented friends: Brian Apprille--Fellow Comedian, John thomas Oaks--Song Composer, Juan DeVevo--Founding Member of Casting Crowns.
On this episode, the Producer is having some tech issues and our special guest is late. But that's okay! Brian Apprille reviews the reviews of an Amazon product. Judge Juan holds court to decide whether or not Butterfinger candy bars are tasty. And Dave Dugan eventually wanders in to discuss protective gear for eating Cheetos.
If you like listening to this show, you'll love watching it. Tune in every Sunday at 7:00pm on the John Branyan YouTube channel. Your LIVE comments will be featured! Also--join us October 6th-8th at the Fight Laugh Feast Conference in Knoxville. Details at flfnetwork.com.
Would you like to go on vacation with a bunch of comedians? Visit johnbranyan.com for details about VACAY WITH COMICS--July, 2023.