It's snowy in Indiana--but the Peaches broke a power pole back when the roads were basically clear.
Luke did a show with Dave Dugan, and John did a show in Wisconsin (Wa-Keh-Shaw). Were these "good" events or "bad" ones? It totally depends on your perspective! Any single event could be both good and bad, or both challenging and *successful *at the same time.
John still gets rushes of adrenaline when he's going on stage. Luke and his brother-in-law struggle to sleep immediately after a performance. But is that the same thing as stage fright or "nervousness?"
The difference between "Excitement" and "anxiety" is simply whether you're looking forward to it or not.
Later: Most people in the audience do not want the speaker to fail. They're on your side! But even the pros get sweaty while managing their adrenaline. It's normal! Can we learn to thank God regardless of whether we are feeling wide awake or ready to curl up and rest?
Finally: Let's beat a dead horse...that is still trotting around... We know a pastor whose daughter found a questionable book in her school library. What should he do now?
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