Barra was in to talk AFL Trade with Clairsy & Lisa as Richmond tries to pull a swifty on The Dockers, move over Daniel Ricciardo and there’s a new local racing car hero in town as Ballajura boy Brodie Kostecki takes out Bathurst.
Police found a man hiding in a sofa in the UK so Clairsy & Lisa opened the phones to ask where were they hiding.
In The Shaw Report, The Cure are headed back on the road plus a new version of Prode & Prejudice in on the way.
Pete Murray is coming back to Perth in January and he has new music which Clairsy & Lisa asked him about when he gave them a call.
The Amazing Race Australia is almost at it conclusion, so Clairsy & Lisa spoke to Pete Helliar who got eliminated last night where he told them why his wife Bridget is his rock.
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