Ben had another good week. He signed up 25 new trials and about five conversions for Tuple. Are you one of the 500 chosen by Derrick to get access to Level? Be sure to check your Inbox on Monday for an email from him to find out.
Also, Ben and Derrick welcome Adam Wathan as a co-host for this episode. Adam’s working on getting release 1.0 of Tailwind out the door with awesome documentation.
Today’s Topics Include:
Happiness vs. Harassment: Tuple’s paid trial process
Will people pay for Level? Get free feedback first or make them pay upfront?
Demo Option: Click around, view dummy posts to get sense of how Level works
Refactoring UI: Could it be a perennial seller?
How much should you share about your startup in your tweets?
Focus on being best option; don’t brag about your success
Trying to sell a theme via Tailwind; adding vs. creating new products
Holy Grail of Software Business: Rob Walling’s stairstep approach to recurring revenue
Growth rate required to stay alive? Keep product relevant to what market wants
SaaS is definitely not all roses!
Super Fast Email Services/Features: Snippets, Superhuman, Help Scout, and Shortcuts
Links and resources:
Refactoring UI by Adam Wathan and Steve Schoger)
Jason Cohen - Designing the Ideal Bootstrapped Business)
Perennial Seller: The Art of Making and Marketing Work that Lasts)
Justin Jackson Playing with Tailwind CSS)
Justin Jackson’s MegaMaker Club)
Rob Walling’s Stairstep Approach to Bootstrapping)
Derrick Reimer) Website
Derrick Reimer on Twitter)
Ben Orenstein) Website
Ben Orenstein on Twitter)