Ben’s been checking in with Tuple users to find out how things are going. Things aren’t working perfectly with the product. Before this feedback, he was feeling pretty good about things. It’s not the feedback’s fault, but Ben focusing too much on it.
Derrick can empathize with Ben because of his experience with Level. It takes just one negative outcome to have an irrational impact on your mental state. Reset your perspective!
Today’s Topics Include:
Considering additional indicators within Tuple to gain feedback
Ready to buy another seat? Tuple’s first expansion revenue
Having a healthy level of stress vs. being in a state of complacency or false optimism
As a coping mechanism, Ben reached his goal to mediate every day for a month
Don’t let negativity infect everything else; improvement and growth are important
Onboarding process and positive changes between original and revised product versions
Oh no! Say it isn’t so; Tuple’s using Slack for feedback dialogue
Lack of sleep didn’t stop Derrick from shipping performance improvements to Level
Derrick expresses gratitude for open source technology that he’s using to build Level
Tuple team finally getting a paycheck, a well-earned achievement; Derrick did the opposite and transferred a bucket of cash into Level’s account
Getting to the next level of swag; trials and T-shirts to put credit card on file
Product advice and ideas for notifications and posts in Level’s Inbox
Selling annual deals to specific people, companies; we’re in this together for the long haul
Trying to find time to write and talk about journey of starting a new product and company
Links and resources:
Derrick Reimer) Website
Derrick Reimer on Twitter)
Ben Orenstein) Website
Ben Orenstein on Twitter)