Ben recently returned from an entrepreneur retreat that featured sessions and activities focused on various topics, from projects people were working on to troubles with cofounders. Attendees were able to be honest, open, and transparent with each other. Ben had the opportunity to demo Tuple during the retreat. Feedback was that there are too many people working on its development, so he should focus on marketing.
Derrick emphasized the importance of keeping in mind the cost of getting someone caught up to speed on a project. He has thought about hiring a contractor to help with the development of Level, but decided that his single brain was enough.
Today’s Topics Include:
Ben is working on a website to host the best pair programming guide on the Internet
Not getting on the content marketing treadmill, but coming out with 1 or 2 solid, comprehensive pieces of content that draw in people
Cascading style sheets (CSS) make your website site look good; should you hire a designer or learn the basics on your own?
Create a good network; know people who know about things, and ask for help
Derrick pushed a license update for Level’s code base; justified reasons why he should or shouldn’t make it an open source product and garner legal protection
Derrick’s original end-of-October people testing goal for Level is still possible; using Trello to list and clarify tasks
Finding a balance between making progress and doing other things that keep a product in people’s minds
Tuple’s team is starting to adopt more foundational processes to address tasks
Feedback from Listeners: More interaction and question-asking between Derrick and Ben, as well as bring people into their podcast process
Links and resources:
Derrick Reimer) Website Derrick Reimer on Twitter) Ben Orenstein) Website Ben Orenstein on Twitter) Level) Tuple) Thoughtbot) Big Snow Tiny Conf) MicroConf) Tailwind) Redis) Trello)