Drip successfully sailed through Black Friday and Cyber Monday unscathed with no queue backups or problems. Derrick has been thinking about shifting the Drip team structures after Black Friday weekend and is considering adopting more efficient workflows and processes. Ben and Derrick discuss different team structures, including those at Basecamp and Spotify. They also talk about team size, communication overhead, and growing revenue versus growing team size in business.
Today’s Topics Include:
Drip’s Black Friday success Team structure and restructuring teams at Drip Work processes and discussing article Running in Circles by Ryan Singer Mutable requirements and engineering feedback Uphill Strategies and task deadlines Spotify “squads” and team structures Communication overhead with large teams
Be sure to stick around at the end of the episode for Ben and Derrick’s post-show chat.
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Links and resources:
HQ Trivia App) Running in Circles by Ryan Singer) The 30-Day Code Quality Challenge) RefactoringRails.io) Drip)