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We use a lot of stuff we don't understand. If you don't believe us, how many people do you know you can repair their car engine or fix their bike without help? We don't know many. How many people do you know who understand exactly how a ballpoint pen works? We know none. How about a zipper? To us, it's magic. These last two are examples of things that are 99% invisible. They are there of course, but we never pause to think about them or how they work. Roman Mars, the well-known host of the "99% Invisible" podcast and co-founder of Radiotopia, enjoys exploring these items and others like them. Today, we discuss some other 99% invisible examples and if we should care about missing them. Does it really affect our lives if we never know how a car engine runs, a bike gear works, a pen dispenses ink, or a zipper does its magic?Our Website: out 99% Invisible here: