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Josh Sakahi, a co-founder of Ephemeral Tattoos and Thiel fellow, grew up asking why. Why is the sky blue? Why is removing tattoos so painful and expensive? After one of his friends (and one of his future partners) had a horrible experience getting a tattoo removed, Josh and other grad students began working on a tattoo that would naturally disappear. After much research and development, the team came up with Ephemeral Tattoos, the company which would sell their innovative ink. However, when customers wanted one of their tattoos, they didn't want to risk the experience being hijacked by rude, third-party artists and variables. Instead, they did the seemingly insane. Josh and the other co-founders created a retail business during the pandemic so that they could help their customers through every step of the process. Join us as we discuss the difficulties young entrepreneurs face as they lead their burgeoning businesses!Our Website: