[smart_track_player url="http://traffic.libsyn.com/18strong/232_The_New_Era_of_Minimal_Golf___Sam_Goulden_232.mp3" title="232: The New Era of Minimal Golf" artist="18STRONG: SAM GOULDEN" social_linkedin="true" social_pinterest="true" social_email="true" ]
This week we are talking with Sam Goulden from Sam Goulden Golf, but more recently he started a new company called MNML golf which we are going to dig into and will highlight the new bag and technology he has come up with and the Kickstarter campaign he has going for it. Sam has been all over the nation traveling, teaching golf, playing golf, and connects with so many different people on spreading the MNML golf lifestyle; the simplicity of the game itself and getting people to understand how they can play better through minimal tweaks and embracing the simplicity.