[smart_track_player url="http://traffic.libsyn.com/18strong/183_183__Janet_Alexander___What_to_know_about_Workouts_for_Women..mp3" title="183: What to Know About Workouts for Women" artist="18STRONG | Janet Alexander" background="default" social_linkedin="true" social_pinterest="true" social_email="true" ]
When it comes to fitness and training tailored to the female athlete, many health professionals are still in dark. If you (like me) think that fitness for golfers is still in its infancy stages, then today's topic is still just in the womb!
Janet Alexander is the perfect guest to have on to teach us how the female golfer should be training, how their workouts should be dictated by their body, and how planning their workouts appropriately can dramatically improve the effectiveness in areas such as accelerated fat loss, prevent injury, strength, and power development.