cover of episode Season 5 | Episode 73: The Necessity of Life: What does it mean to be for life in 2020?

Season 5 | Episode 73: The Necessity of Life: What does it mean to be for life in 2020?

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Upside Down Podcast

Shownotes Transcript

What does it mean to be for life in 2020? Join us for Season 5 with the hosts you know, founders Kayla Craig and Lindsy Wallace, veteran Alissa Molina, and our newest voice, Patricia Taylor to kick off a season of exploring what is needed in spirituality, justice, culture, and community.In this episode, we:

  • Evaluate ‘pro-life’ as Jesus intended for abundant life in 2020
  • Grieve what happens to the message and witness of Jesus when professing followers of God are unwilling to lay down life and liberties
  • Seek to follow Jesus in working for a “more and better life than they ever dreamed of”
  • Discuss what it means to vote for a ‘pro-life’ President
  • Share practical ways we can honor life in our communities

Join us as we thoughtfully explore what it means to champion an abundant life in Christ. May we model Jesus in the way we value the Imago Dei in us all.Recommended reading & resources:

  • John 10:10

  • I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of. - The Message 

  • I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. - NIV

  • I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. - ESV

  • US Birthrates Fall to Record Low, Wall Street Journal)

  • US Historical Abortion Statistics)

  • Brick House in the CIty)

  • Casey Chappell on Instagram)

Upside Down Podcast brings together women (and sometimes a few good men) for unscripted ecumenical conversations about God's upside-down kingdom. We're four women from across the US spanning age, denomination, race, culture, and background. We care deeply about the love of God and neighbor and explore themes of the intersections of faith and justice, with a bit of prophetic imagination. We come together as ordinary humans modeling tough conversations so you can be inspired to continue these conversations offline with your local community. In a time when many Christians are deconstructing their faith, we hope to be a welcoming space where people can be curious, learn, connect, and grow into the beloved community.News, Notes, and Links:

  • Support more conversations like this on Upside Down Podcast! Please visit us), where you can pledge a few dollars of monthly support to help us pay our bills and keep the conversations going.
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