cover of episode Episode 63 - It's Complicated

Episode 63 - It's Complicated

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Upside Down Podcast

Shownotes Transcript

It’s Complicated. The more we learn about the suffering of the world, the more difficult it can become to live in it. Join host Lindsy Wallace along with co-hosts Kayla Craig, Alissa Molina, and Gina Ciliberto, to unpack living as engaged, thoughtful, neighbor-loving humans in a world where every choice has unintended, and possibly unknown, consequences. 

In this episode, we:

  • Share examples of complication in our lives
  • Unpack where we go from learning of the complications that surround us
  • Get technical discussing cognitive dissonance
  • Discuss how we protect against overwhelm that results in paralyzation
  • Look to the life of Jesus to teach us what it means to be human in a complicated world

**Join us as we acknowledge the privilege of embracing the complicated pieces of our own worlds while working to balance this with the compassionate love we can offer back to those around us. May we be people who learn how to recognize the complications around us and from that, walk with humility on the road to solidarity.  **

“May we be refuge for the complicated” - Propaganda, It’s Complicated, Crooked 

Recommended reading & resources:

  • D.L. Mayfield’s Christ + Pop Culture Recap of The Good Place)
  • So You Want to Talk About Race), Ijeoma Oluo
  • It’s Complicated), Propaganda

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