cover of episode Episode 57 - The Enneagram for Justice Seekers

Episode 57 - The Enneagram for Justice Seekers

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Upside Down Podcast

Shownotes Transcript

We’re familiar with or at least heard of the Enneagram, but how can it help us usher in a more livable world for the most marginalized among us? What does this age-old tool of self-discovery have to say to us today, in our deeply polarized often tragic times? In this episode, Lindsy and Kayla talk with Jesse Eubanks and Sam Stevenson of the EnneaCast to find out.

In this episode, we:

  • **Explore the natural strengths of each type in seeking justice **
  • Address the disciplines each type can engage in for active justice
  • Discuss resourcefulness and non-resourcefulness of each type
  • Recognize the deadly sin and the gospel truth of each type

“For us personally God graciously used the Enneagram in our lives to get around our defenses and our blind spots so we could practice truth.” - Spiritual Rhythms for the Enneagram

**Join us as we seek out the ways in which the Enneagram is a helpful tool in seeking justice. May we be people who are outwardly focused and are able to enter into self-clarity to offer resourcefulness for our neighbors. **

Recommended reading & resources:

  • Love Thy Neighborhood)
  • The Enneacast)
  • Spiritual Rhythms for the Enneagram)

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