cover of episode 490: Behind-the-Scenes of a Propstore Auction with Brandon Alinger

490: Behind-the-Scenes of a Propstore Auction with Brandon Alinger

logo of podcast Skywalking Through Neverland: A Star Wars / Disney / Marvel Fan Podcast

Skywalking Through Neverland: A Star Wars / Disney / Marvel Fan Podcast

Shownotes Transcript

Ever wonder how the Propstore auctions) work? So did we! In the first of two episodes this week, we speak with Brandon Alinger from Propstore. He gives us the lowdown on all the amazing memorabilia that will be auctioned off starting Nov.14. There are items from Star Wars, Gremlins, Ghostbusters, Hook, Spider-Man, Princess Bride, and sooooooo many more. And he gives us a peek behind the curtain of what goes into these auctions.

  Today in Star Wars History - 11/8/1926  

Happy 98th Birthday to Ted Burnett! Ted Burnett portrays Wuher, the Cantina bartender in A New Hope. He was brought in through the UGLY Models agency who casts those with unusual appearances.


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