Your heart sinks as you join the long line of people snaking the aisle at the grocery store. Your baby is already making those noises she makes when she wants you to hold her, and there are about 15 minutes until she needs feeding. You are pretty sure this line will take double that. How did this happen? You tried to get out to the store all day, but between your friend dropping in, the late nap, and your toddler refusing to get on his shoes) you arrived late. (There's 15 playful ideas for getting out the house here)). Now, he’s begging for snacks, your baby’s cries are escalating and this line doesn’t seem to be moving. You pull your baby out of the cart and land her on your hips and she quiets for a few minutes. But with about three people ahead of you, she’s screaming again. She’s late for her feed. You notice your son has dumped a few fistfuls of candy bars into the cart, and he wails as your dump them back out. The baby cries harder, and you quickly unbutton your shirt so she can feed, you can pay, and you can all get to the car. You fumble in your bag for the dried apples your son likes and hand him one. You breathe. It’s going to be ok... An Already Hard Situation Gets Harder And then a stranger taps you on the shoulder. “The feeding room is over there,” she nods. “You shouldn’t breastfeed here. It's offensive." The Best Ways to Rise Strong after Mom Shame Have you ever been mom-shamed? Or felt judgment in your parenting choices? That moment when things are already feel bad and some person moves in and just makes things feel a hundred times worse? Join us this week as Abigail describes the gut-wrenching time she got mom-shamed smack bang during one of her most desperate times in parenting. She explains the exact advice she got that helped her rise strong and move on from mom shame, and we talk about how you can too.
Bounce back from parent shame. Join us this week for The Best Ways to Rise Strong After Mom Shame. Get More Resouces For Rising Strong After Mom Shame Abigail invites you to join this intimate call with five of the wonderful mom's she's worked with. Find out what transformations they made in their families, and how you can too.
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