So there it is. An invitation. Your child is waving it in your face with a grin brighter than gold.
And you?
Does your heart soar?
Or sink?
Here's Why OUR Friendships Matter Friendships can arouse big feelings - in us as well as our kids - and how we approach the joys and the ickiness friendships can bring requires us to separate. We need to remove the "us" from the "them."
But it can be tough untangling our own feelings when we invite friends into our families. (or they invite us).
This week, we’re inviting you to spend a minute or two thinking about the friends your child has, and the common challenges that come up when kids make friends (or don’t!). From Friends to Frenemies - the good, the bad and the ugly with kids and friends
Helping Kids Get Along: How Laughter Can Bring Friends Together) highlights a great way to help kids build bridges. Need New Friends? It can feel lonely parenting in a new way. And it's hard to forge a new path without support. It's why we created the Parent Club, a daily online spot where you can go find your tribe. Get answers from instructors, tailor the tools to your own family, take classes, get coaching, and meet together for weekly and monthly Lives with instructors (and our founder Patty).
The Parent Club is open now - for one week only!
From September 19 to 25th, you can join the Parent Club. Click here to learn more.)