ALL ABOUT FLOUR & what happens in your body when you consume it (how it puts your body into FAT STORAGE MODE vs FAT BURNING MODE & more!).
How to BECOME A NINJA AT READING LABELS & knowing which processed foods have flour and/or sugar... so that you don't end up sabotaging your results without knowing!
LEARN HOW TO MANAGE YOUR CRAVINGS for bread, pasta, pastries, pancakes, muffins, breakfast cereals, pretzels... & more!
Learn why it's incredibly important to look at the BACK of packaged food items and read the INGREDIENT LIST. NOT DOING THIS MAY BE KEEPING THOSE EXTRA 10 POUNDS on your body.
Learn my 5 step process for successfully managing cravings and retraining your brain, tastebuds & habits .. for good!
I created a FREE 'LABEL READING CHEAT SHEET' just for you! *It includes the different names for FLOUR, SUGAR & ARTIFICIAL SWEETENERS so that you can easily find them and avoid them in order to hit your goals. * DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE 'Label Reading Cheat Sheet' HERE)
To lose your ‘last 10’ using my proven method JOIN THE LAST 10™ Program)-