How do you make your gym stand out when every other gym in town offers the same services and specials? I mean, we know your gym is the best, but how will your prospects know? We asked killer marketer Jeff Sherman of Tech Sweat) about how to make a connection with your clients before you even meet them.
In this episode, we talk to him about what in the wide world of social media marketing is worth our time, what trends to let go of, and why it’s necessary in order to get our potential clients to know, like, and trust us before they become members.
If you have some discomfort about putting yourself “out there” on Facebook Live, Instagram, and elsewhere on the World Wide Web, this episode is for you. Jeff walks us through the most effective and easiest ways to create and curate content for our audiences, so that when we make them an offer, they’re fully prepared to say “yes.” On This Week’s Episode of Barbell Business, We Interview Jeff Sherman to Discuss: