The TalentCulture #TChat Show is back live on Wednesday, August 13, 2014, from 7-8 pm ET (4-5 pm PT). The #TChat radio portion runs the first 30 minutes from 7-7:30 pm ET, followed by the #TChat Twitter chat from 7:30-8 pm ET. Last week we talked about passive recruiting strategies, and this week we’re going to talk about how data and the right analysis can help companies of any size understand and measure company culture. There it is again — company culture and employee engagement. But mercy we must keep working towards the goal of improving it. According to Strategy& of PwC, 96% of employees have stated a "culture change" is needed at their company. But culture goes deeper than a workplace flexibility, pizza lunches and ping-pong tables. In fact it should drive most every aspect of business – from customer relations to internal practices. This week we talk “Talent Science” — the science of using quantifiable data to find and hire employees that will be most engaged with the company, therefore contributing more to the bottom line. Join #TChat co-creators and hosts Meghan M. Biro and Kevin W. Grossman as we learn more about how data can change company culture with this week’s guests: Brent Daily, Founder of RoundPegg, employee engagement software that increases business performance through applied culture science; and Natalie Baumgartner, a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology with a specific focus on assessment and additional training in strength-based psychology. Thank you to our sponsors and partners: RIVS, GreatRated! of Great Place to Work, TalentWise, Globoforce, SAP/SuccessFactors, PeopleFluent, Red Branch Media and HRmarketer Insight.