The TalentCulture #TChat Show is back live on Wednesday, March 26, 2014. #TChat Radio starts at 6:30 pm ET (3:30 pm PT) and the convo continues on #TChat Twitter chat from 7-8 pm ET. Last week we talked about the power of professional prospecting via LinkedIn, and this week we’re going to discuss authentic leadership and why it’s needed more than ever. Authentic leadership is all about developing yourself in a manner that helps others see the complete you. This includes all your strengths, imperfections and accomplishments. We all crave authenticity and you have to be real in order to be heard. Great leadership is all about partnering and relationships, and the key to building productive teams is to be a little more unfiltered, personal, and authentic! Join #TChat co-creators and hosts Meghan M. Biro and Kevin W. Grossman as we learn more about authentic leadership with this week’s guest: Dr. Todd Dewett, an author, speaker, coach, recovering management professor, consultant, and Harley Davidson nut. A special thank you to our sponsors: RIVS, Dice, TalentWise and Globoforce.