Curtis: 我和Amy一起去了哥伦比亚,并在那里体验了当地文化。我们与我的语言交换伙伴Hugo及其家人住在一起,这让我们深入了解了哥伦比亚文化。我们用Spanglish(混合英语和西班牙语)交流,这使得我们的沟通更加轻松愉快。在巴兰基亚,我们参加了世界第二大狂欢节,并提前几周到达,以便更好地了解这座城市。我们还与Hugo的朋友们一起度过了许多时光,例如一起看电影、吃披萨和喝酒,体验了当地人的日常生活。我们还参加了库姆比亚舞的练习,并被邀请参加狂欢节游行,但由于时间安排的原因,我们最终没有参加全部五场游行,而是选择作为观众欣赏狂欢节的盛况。狂欢节期间,我们还参加了一个热闹的街区派对,那里有强大的音响系统和许多跳舞的人们。总的来说,这段经历让我们深入体验了哥伦比亚的文化,也让我们有机会与当地人交流互动,体验了不同于普通游客的独特感受。 Amy: 我们在哥伦比亚的经历非常难忘。我们不仅参加了巴兰基亚的狂欢节,还深入体验了当地的文化和生活方式。与Hugo及其朋友们相处,让我们感受到了哥伦比亚人的热情好客。我们一起看电影、吃当地特色食物arepa,并参加了库姆比亚舞的练习,这些经历都非常独特而难忘。狂欢节夜晚的街头派对更是令人兴奋,人们互相扔玉米淀粉、水、啤酒和泡沫,虽然有些混乱,但大家都玩得很开心。在狂欢节之后,我们还去了圣玛尔塔和卡塔赫纳,享受了海滩的宁静与美丽。这段旅程不仅丰富了我们的文化体验,也让我们有机会反思语言学习的方法。三个月的西班牙语沉浸式学习,让我能够更好地运用已知的词汇和语法,但并没有学习到更多新的知识。我意识到,除了日常口语交流外,我还应该增加额外的学习输入,例如阅读或学习,才能最大限度地提高语言水平。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What is the significance of Barranquilla's carnival in Colombia?

Barranquilla's carnival is the world's second largest carnival, following Rio de Janeiro's carnival in Brazil. It is a major cultural event in Colombia, known for its vibrant music, dancing, and street parties.

Why did Curtis and Amy arrive in Barranquilla a couple of weeks early?

Curtis and Amy arrived early to familiarize themselves with the city and spend time with their friend Hugo, who is a local. This allowed them to have a more authentic and immersive cultural experience rather than just being tourists.

What role does music play in Barranquilla's culture?

Music is central to Barranquilla's culture, with genres like salsa, bachata, and merengue being prevalent. It is described as vibrant and omnipresent, with neighbors often playing music loudly, contributing to the city's lively atmosphere.

What unique cultural experience did Curtis and Amy have with a Cumbia group?

Curtis and Amy were invited to practice and learn the traditional Cumbia dance with a group preparing for the carnival parade. They were even asked to participate in the parade, which was a significant honor as they were the first Canadians invited by the group.

Why did Curtis and Amy decline the invitation to participate in the carnival parade?

They declined because participating in five parades would have been too time-consuming and physically demanding, especially in the hot climate. They preferred to enjoy the festivities as spectators and focus on other aspects of their trip.

What happens during the street parties at night during the carnival?

Street parties at night involve people throwing cornstarch, water, beer, and foam at each other in a playful and non-malicious manner. It is a fun and lively part of the carnival experience, with everyone joining in the spirit of celebration.

What was one of the highlights of Curtis and Amy's trip to Barranquilla?

One of the highlights was being invited to a block party with an insanely loud speaker system, where hundreds of people gathered to dance, eat street food, and celebrate. This was an experience they likely wouldn't have had as typical tourists.

What impact did three months of Spanish immersion have on Curtis's language learning?

Curtis found that while he became more comfortable using the Spanish he already knew, he did not significantly improve his fluency. He realized that additional input, such as reading or studying, would have been necessary to maximize his learning during the immersion.

We spent a month in Barranquilla, Colombia, fully immersing ourselves in the local culture. We stayed with friends, participated in daily life, and experienced things you wouldn't on a typical tourist trip, including trying unique foods and watching movies with locals.
  • Stayed with local friends for deeper cultural immersion.
  • Experienced daily life like locals, including trying arepas.
  • Barranquilla is known for its music and vibrant atmosphere.
  • Cultural immersion involved more than typical tourist activities.

Shownotes Transcript

Looking for an amazing cultural experience? Join Curtis and Amy from the Real English Conversations podcast as they share their unforgettable adventure at Colombia's largest carnival. From lively music and dancing with a Cumbia group to being invited to an outrageous street party, you'll feel like you're right there with them. Tune in to improve your English while discovering fascinating cultures and traditions. If you love what you hear, share the excitement with your friends and help us spread the word.

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