My new book, Raising Boys to Men, becomes available the day after this episode releases!
This is also our 500TH episode and we just hit 3 million downloads. THANK YOU to all of you for being here. You are the reason this podcast exists.
In honor of ALL these things, I am handing this episode off to Dr. Kathy Koch who will be asking me probing questions about what it looks like to grow strong, stable, healthy, masculine men!
I hope you will join us for an encouraging conversation that will help inspire you to see your sons in a fresh and hopeful way, so you can raise the next generation of boys to be courageous men of faith and action.
Resources mentioned in today's episode:
If you purchase Raising Boys to Men March 5th or 6th you receive free access to The Unhurried Homeschooler Audiobook! Use this link:
CTC Math)
Heritage Defense)
Our CPS Story)
The Excel Camp )
College Alternative: Excel College Podcast Episode)
The Unhurried Homeschooler)
Unhurried Grace for a Mom’s Heart)
The Four-Hour School Day)
Subscribe to my monthly email and receive) access to Unhurried Grace for a Mom's Heart: 31 Days in God's Word
Information on my new book, Raising Boys to Men!)
Places I am speaking in 2024)
(Please check out my latest book, The Four Hour School Day: How You and Your Kids Can Thrive in the Homeschool Life on Amazon,, or your favorite bookseller!)