I don’t think I know anyone who has been a believer for any length of time who hasn’t experienced a wound in their church life and experience. Some of these wounds are what I would call merely flesh wounds, but some are incredibly deep and can cause lasting damage.
I’ve heard from countless moms who have experienced this, including friends, and my own family.
It's easy to become bitter and cynical when it seems like we are the only army that wounds its own soldiers. However, I don’t think that is the whole story because that is not the God we serve and I can’t imagine that He would want us to stop at the point of our pain. But how do we heal? How do we trust again?
Today Wes joins me again, this time to talk about healing from church hurt.
Resources mentioned in this episode:
Link to podcast episode search bar)
The Unhurried Homeschooler Audio Book)
Raising Boys to Men Book)
If you purchase Raising Boys to Men you will receive a gift! Use this link to redeem: durendawilson.com/redeem (a list of movies to watch with your boys that portray boys and men as heroes!))
CTC Math)
Heritage Defense) (my.heritagedefense.org/access-the-vault))
Our CPS Story)
The Excel Camp )
College Alternative: Excel College Podcast Episode)
The Unhurried Homeschooler)
Unhurried Grace for a Mom’s Heart)
The Four-Hour School Day)
Subscribe to my monthly email and receive) access to Unhurried Grace for a Mom's Heart: 31 Days in God's Word
Places I am speaking in 2024)
The Toxic War on Masculinity by Nancy Pearcey)
Interview With Nancy Pearcey on The Spillover Podcast with Alex Clark)
Scriptures mentioned in this episode:
Psalm 87:2
Acts 2:41
Matthew 16:18
Hebrews 10:24-27
Other episodes with Wes:
Applying Romans 13 to the Here and Now)
The Importance of a Biblical Education)
The Biblical Importance of Family)
Recognizing False Teachers)
The Dangers of a Self-Help Culture)
How to Find a Biblical Church)
Let's Talk About Biblical Discipline)
Biblical Submission: The Hot Potato)
Are We Living in the Last Days?)
Living With Hope When the Church Says Things Are Only Going to Get Worse)
Jesus' Return: Revelation, the Mark of the Beast and the Anti-Christ)
Why We Can't Understand Beauty Without Morality)
How Should Believers Handle Suffering)
Listen to Wes' sermons here)
Don’t forget to check out Raising Boys to Men: A Simple, Mercifully Short Book on Raising and Homeschooling Boys!)