Let's face it: we're lucky if we get old. Yet there's so much stigma in our culture around aging. Aaron and Glenys talk with food and body relationship specialist Michelle Vina-Baltsas) about what it's like to get older in a world that is stridently anti-aging, and how we can fight against the stigma of aging by continuing to be relevant as all hell. You can find Michelle on her website) and in her Facebook group, The No Diet Sisterhood). Link to article discussed: http://www.feministcurrent.com/2015/03/10/aging-while-female-is-not-your-worst-nightmare-2/) Find Aaron at www.bvmrd.com) Find Glenys at www.daretonotdiet.com) Read more at http://dietitiansunplugged.libsyn.com/)