A steer stepping left is not ideal. So, what do you do in that situation? On this bonus Roping.com) tips episode of The Short Score, brought to you by Spalding Labs), Dustin Egusquiza) and Travis Graves) explain their reactions, both physical and mental.
Have you found a fly-control solution that actually works? Instead of going after the adult flies, this year try stopping them before they hatch with Fly Predators, a preventative approach to fly control. Fly Predators are the all-natural fly control solution used by top professionals because they just work. Fly Predators kill flies before they hatch, meaning they’ll never get a chance to bother you or your horses. Get ahead of the flies this summer—visit spalding-labs.com) to order your Fly Predators today or call their team of experts at 877-Kill-Fly (545-5359).