cover of episode Episode 391: 10 Kids and the Systems That Help Them Thrive with Laura Hernandez

Episode 391: 10 Kids and the Systems That Help Them Thrive with Laura Hernandez

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Extraordinary Moms Podcast

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My guest is Laura Hernandez and she has some great ideas for you about setting up efficient and effective systems in your home to help you and your kids THRIVE!

She and her husband Tony are raising ten exceptional children in the Dallas area. In the past four and a half years, they have added six new children to their family… three biologically and three through adoption. Needless to say, she NEEDS effective systems for pure survival. I love what she shares about chores, batching tasks, and adapting to the unexpected.

Effective systems help families run smoothly, reduce your daily workload, and your house can become a place of peace… yes, even with ten kids!

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