cover of episode John Paul Westin — Befriending the Prisoner

John Paul Westin — Befriending the Prisoner

logo of podcast Life with God: A Renovaré Podcast

Life with God: A Renovaré Podcast

Shownotes Transcript

Nathan talks with prison chaplain John Paul Westin about the penitentiary as parish and learning to see each person there as God's "friends and special ones."

Show Notes

A few annotated book suggestions from John Paul:

  • Cur Deus Homo) — Anselm of Canterbury thinks about why God needed/chose to become human.
  • The 3 Colors of Community), Christian A. Schwarz — How highly flawed individuals can use their propensity to sin to help build healthy Christian community.
  • Fearfully and Wonderfully), Dr. Paul Brand and Philip Yancy — The human body (sick or healthy) can show us so much about the wonder of God and our human nature.
  • The Shack), William Paul Young — God can heal the deepest wounds and betrayal.
  • John's Gospel, John son of Zebedee — A look at life through the eyes of the beloved.
  • Life of the Beloved) — Henri Nouwen's beautiful consideration of the nature of Jesus' friendship.
  • The Brother's Karamazov) — Fydor Dostoevski's brilliant and crazy story of God's presence in a chaotic Russian family life.
  • The Heart of the Parish), Martin Thornton — Seeing wherever you are as your parish and your life as filled with your neighbors and parisioners. Everyone.
  • Hearing God) — Dallas Willard's encouraging challenge to believe Jesus when he tells us we really can talk to God like we talk to one another.
  • Reading the Bible with the Damned) — Bob Eklad's believes that people on the margins often have intense experiences of God's involvement in their lives that are of biblical import.
  • Letters and Papers from Prison) —Dietrich Bonhoeffer's reflections on seeing God's loving presence in prison and how it transformed his thinking.