cover of episode FV 127: (Part 2) Representing Belgium abroad: the work of a consul

FV 127: (Part 2) Representing Belgium abroad: the work of a consul

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French Voices Podcast | Learn French | Interviews with Native French Speakers | French Culture

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In the second part of this interview with Belgian consul Pierre Steverlynck, we discuss the languages he speaks at home and at work – since Belgium is a multilingual country. You’ll learn the difference between an ambassy and a consulate, what a “carte d’identité” may be used for (I know that not all countries have one such thing). Also find out how one becomes a diplomat. And, you’ll hear about the “flying kit”, a really cool system for expats living on faraway islands!

Vocab List

avancée sociale (nf) = advance, progress chauvin,e (adj) = chauvinistic, partisan concours (nm) = competitive exam empreinte (digitale) (nf) = (finger) print encadré,e (adj) = managed, supervised examen d’entrée (nm) = entrance examination flamandophone (n, adj) = Dutch-speaking néerlandais,e (n, adj) = Dutch QI (quotient intellectuel) (nm) = IQ

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