Juliana founded the project “Prince.sse Si Je Veux” to help parents and teachers educate and encourage children between 5 and 12 years old to make their own choices by freeing them from gender stereotypes. You may be surprised to see how ingrained sexism is in our everyday life, and how, despite all our efforts, we as parents may be reenforcing such gender-related clichés – very innocently and subconsciously. It is very important to become aware of this since the way we raise our children often directly impacts their adult life.
In this second and final part, Juliana gives interesting tips and resources (youth literature recommendations) to help you raise awareness and deconstruct the gender stereotypes at home, with your children! We’ll also talk about her definition of feminism (which is inclusive of males!), equality and the potential issues behind well-intended gallantry.
Do you find you’re aware of the gender stereotypes in your daily life or country? Do you find that you’re consciously making efforts to avoid them? How do you do this? Share your experience!
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à fond = flat-out (slang) arc-en-ciel (nm) = rainbow bienveillant,e (adj) = kind, kindly, benevolent étincelle (nf) = spark flagrant,e (adj) = obvious, blatant galanterie (nf) = gallantry, chivalry licorne (nf) = unicorn monter (une interview, une vidéo) = to edit onglet (nm) = tab regain (nm) = renewal, revival
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