Alice Sheridan
Louise Fletcher
Cherrie: 想知道教学如何影响个人艺术创作,反之亦然,以及两者哪个更重要。教学是付出,个人创作是滋养自我,常常比较自私。然而,向他人解释某些东西可以让你更清楚地了解自己想要什么。 Alice Sheridan: 教学可能会分散对个人艺术创作的注意力,但如果能全身心投入艺术创作,成就将会更高。教学应该基于自身热爱的事物,这样才能从中获得满足感和动力。我的教学热情在于帮助女性通过艺术表达自我,因为这彻底改变了我的人生,让我对教学充满热情。我不会教商业课程,因为我没有热情。教学的成功在于对所教内容的热爱,只有热爱才能让教学和学习都充满乐趣。 Louise Fletcher: 教学是否应该放弃取决于它是否滋养了自身的创作,以及放弃后是否会创作更多艺术作品。教学反过来滋养了我的创作,教学行为本身会激发我的创作灵感。教学通常会促进我的艺术创作,但今年由于工作室问题,情况有所不同。我有较短的注意力持续时间,教学能让我在不同任务间切换,避免专注于单一任务过久而导致效率下降。教学是否能滋养个人创作取决于教学方式是否能带来积极的反馈。特蕾西·艾敏将教学视为其艺术生涯中比艺术创作本身更重要的部分,这引发了对艺术家的核心关注点应该是什么的思考。教学能提升解决问题的能力、看待事物的方式以及处理挑战性情境的能力,这些都能反哺艺术创作。教学是否值得取决于从中获得的回报是否足以弥补时间和精力的投入。教学是我主要的收入来源,这让我在艺术创作上能保持自由和不受压力。教学能帮助艺术家更好地理解和营销自己的作品,因为它能促使艺术家更深入地思考作品的意义和价值。教学能让我保持敬畏之心,并感激他人对艺术的投入和努力。教学能带来比个人创作不同的满足感,并让人感受到更广泛的目的性。教学的影响是深远的,它不仅影响到学生,还会影响到他们的家人和朋友。教学可能会牺牲一些安静的独处时间,这可能会影响到创意的产生。我正在尝试调整教学方式,使其更轻松、更可持续,并更好地平衡工作与生活。教学和绘画对我来说同等重要,无法取舍。虽然有时会更偏向于其中一项,但我无法完全放弃其中任何一项。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What are the main benefits and downsides of teaching for artists?

Teaching can inspire and bring variety to an artist's life, but it may also detract from personal creativity by consuming time and energy. While teaching helps clarify one's own artistic process and can be rewarding, it often comes with administrative burdens and interpersonal challenges that can be draining.

Why does Louise feel that teaching feeds her creativity?

Louise finds that teaching, especially when demonstrating ideas or talking about her process, sparks her creativity. She often starts paintings during teaching sessions, which then lead to new series of work. The act of explaining her methods out loud helps her generate ideas and stay engaged with her art.

What challenges do artists face when balancing teaching and their personal work?

Artists often struggle with the time and energy required for teaching, which can detract from their personal creative practice. Additionally, the administrative tasks, marketing, and interpersonal issues associated with teaching can be overwhelming and take away from the focus on their own artwork.

How does Alice view the relationship between teaching and her personal art practice?

Alice believes that teaching and personal art practice are interconnected but serve different purposes. While teaching provides her with inspiration and a sense of purpose, her personal art practice is more introspective and self-centered. She values the balance between the two, as teaching helps her stay connected with others while her personal work allows for deeper creative exploration.

What impact does teaching have on an artist's legacy, as discussed in the podcast?

Teaching can become a significant part of an artist's legacy, as it allows them to influence and inspire the next generation of artists. Tracy Emin, for example, views her art school and teaching as a more important part of her legacy than her own artwork, highlighting the broader impact that teaching can have beyond personal creative achievements.

How do Louise and Alice handle the administrative and interpersonal challenges of teaching?

Both Louise and Alice acknowledge the administrative and interpersonal challenges of teaching, such as answering repetitive questions or managing conflicts in workshops. Louise has set up a support team to handle routine inquiries, while Alice focuses on creating a supportive and engaging environment for her students. Both emphasize the importance of finding ways to make teaching sustainable and enjoyable.

What role does passion play in teaching, according to the podcast?

Passion is crucial for teaching to be fulfilling and effective. If an artist is not passionate about what they are teaching, it can feel like a chore and lead to burnout. Both Louise and Alice stress that teaching should align with one's interests and values, as this not only makes the experience more rewarding but also attracts more engaged students.

How does teaching influence an artist's marketing approach?

Teaching encourages artists to think more about the value and purpose of their work, which can make them more confident in marketing their art. By focusing on how their teaching benefits others, artists can adopt a more assertive and effective marketing strategy, even if they feel less comfortable promoting their personal artwork.

Shownotes Transcript

This week, we answer a question from Cherrie, who is curious about the benefits and downsides of teaching. This is something we have both thought about over the years and in this chat we share our perspectives. Our conversation spans both the positives (inspiration, realisations, variety in our days) and the negatives (do we lose out on our creativity because we give time and energy to others?)

If you have ever thought about teaching, either online or in person, we hope this chat helps you consider your options. And if you currently teach, maybe some of what we say will resonate.