cover of episode Making Time & Space for Creative Flow [265]

Making Time & Space for Creative Flow [265]

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Art Juice: A podcast for artists, creatives and art lovers

AI Deep Dive AI Insights AI Chapters Transcript
Alice Sheridan
Louise Fletcher
Alice Sheridan: 我在创作和生活中都更加注重空间和时间的运用,不再执着于快速完成任务,而是享受过程。假期让我有更多时间反思,我意识到周围环境和他人能量会影响我的创造力,因此我更倾向于在安静的环境中工作。我学习如何更好地回应他人的不同观点,并尊重他们的选择。我不再以完成任务的数量来衡量人生价值,而是享受每一个当下。 我意识到销售艺术作品需要处理很多琐碎的行政事务,这让我感到很费力。将作品交给画廊后,我感觉更有空间专注于创作,不再执着于销售。即使交给画廊销售,艺术家仍然需要完成很多前期准备工作,例如拍照、编辑和上传图片等。为了更好地销售作品,我将所有作品都上传到了我的网站上,并添加了画廊的链接。频繁的邮件营销虽然能带来积极的反馈,但也可能引起部分客户的反感。 我意识到个人的承受能力会随着生活状态和时间的变化而变化,我们需要了解自己的承受能力极限。了解事情不会永远持续下去,并为未来的阶段做好准备,这对于保持心态平衡至关重要。通过教学,我意识到自己对学员的回应方式发生了变化,我更注重引导他们思考,而不是强迫他们接受我的观点。对于那些不愿意改变的人,我选择尊重他们的选择,并继续帮助那些愿意改变的人。 我意识到周围环境中的其他人的能量会影响我的创造力。在远离喧嚣的环境中,我的工作效率和创造力会更高。我正在努力放慢生活节奏,不再执着于快速完成任务。我正在学习享受创作过程,而不是仅仅关注结果。我们不可能完成所有的事情,应该学会接受不完美,并享受当下的过程。 Louise Fletcher: 我从小就习惯通过取得成就来证明自己的价值,这源于我的成长环境和个人经历。最近我减少了对成就的追求,更加享受生活。在创作过程中,给自己充足的时间非常重要。在装修过程中,我学会了享受过程,而不是只关注结果。焦虑和担忧往往源于对事情快速完成的渴望,而不是享受过程。我仍在努力学习如何放慢生活节奏,减少不必要的压力。我正在努力享受生活中各种各样的活动。 我们需要给自己更多的时间和空间,而不是等待外部的许可。我们需要摆脱那些限制我们自由和时间的观念。我们需要学会保护自己的心理空间,避免被外部压力所影响。我们需要学会选择性地获取信息,避免被负面信息所影响。面对网络上的恶意评论,我选择保持冷静,不再被其影响。我们不应该期望在生活中永远不会受到冒犯或反对,而应该学会如何应对不同的观点。学习新事物必然会经历一些不适和挑战,这才是学习的正常过程。 拥有强烈观点的人应该将自己的观点分享给更多人,而不是仅仅局限于小范围交流。我不需要心理学资格就能谈论艺术中的心理学,因为我的观点基于个人经验和观察。在艺术创作中,个人经验和对自身思维运作方式的理解比学术资格更重要。我意识到频繁的邮件营销虽然能带来积极的反馈,但也可能引起部分客户的反感。最好的创意不会来自匆忙的工作,而是在从容和空间中孕育而生。如果我们能更好地安排时间和精力,就能更好地实现自己的目标。我们需要积极主动地为自己创造更多的时间和空间,而不是被动地等待机会。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why is it important to create time and space for creativity?

Creating time and space for creativity allows for reflection and the cultivation of an environment where ideas can flourish. It helps in consciously designing life to prioritize what truly matters, leading to a more fulfilling and balanced creative process.

How does taking a break from routine benefit creativity?

Taking a break from routine, such as going on holiday, provides an opportunity to reflect and gain new perspectives. It allows individuals to step back from daily responsibilities, leading to a refreshed mindset and renewed inspiration for creative work.

What challenges do artists face when handing over their work to galleries?

Artists often feel a disconnect when handing over their work to galleries, as they lose control over the presentation and sales process. While it can be liberating to let someone else handle these tasks, some artists miss the personal connection and involvement in every stage of the process.

Why is it important to set boundaries with social media for creativity?

Setting boundaries with social media is crucial to avoid the pressure and negativity that can stifle creativity. It helps maintain a healthy balance between engagement and the mental space needed for creative flow.

How does physical space impact creative productivity?

Physical space, especially one surrounded by nature and quiet, can significantly enhance creative productivity. It reduces stress and distractions, allowing for clearer thinking and a more relaxed approach to creative work.

Why is it important to embrace discomfort in the creative process?

Embracing discomfort is essential for growth and learning in the creative process. It challenges limiting beliefs and opens up new possibilities, leading to deeper insights and more innovative outcomes.

How can artists manage the pressure to be constantly productive?

Artists can manage the pressure to be constantly productive by shifting their focus from rushing to results to enjoying the process. This involves setting realistic expectations and allowing projects to evolve naturally over time.

What role does self-permission play in creativity?

Self-permission is crucial in creativity as it allows individuals to take the time and space they need without guilt. It involves recognizing that one's value is not solely tied to productivity and that creativity thrives when given room to breathe.

Why is it important to limit exposure to negative news for creativity?

Limiting exposure to negative news helps preserve mental space and energy for creativity. It prevents the overwhelming stress that can come from constant exposure to global problems, allowing for a more focused and positive creative mindset.

How can artists balance family responsibilities with creative work?

Artists can balance family responsibilities with creative work by setting boundaries and sharing tasks. It involves giving themselves permission to prioritize their creative needs and recognizing that they do not have to take on all responsibilities alone.

Alice and Louise discuss Alice's recent solo show at Sanctuary Gallery in Newnham, the challenges of managing the exhibition from afar, and the mixed feelings of being hands-off in the process. They also discuss the contrasting experiences of managing email communication with clients.
  • Alice's solo show was at Sanctuary Gallery in Newnham.
  • She managed the exhibition remotely.
  • She experienced mixed feelings about being hands-off.
  • The experience made her reflect on her creative process and priorities.

Shownotes Transcript

This week, Alice and Louise ponder the need for carving out time and space for our creativity. Perhaps it's even broader than that - perhaps it's about the idea of consciously designing your life; about creating an environment in which ideas can grow and flourish, and about making the necessary decisions to create that environment. We hope you enjoy this chat and perhaps it will spark some thoughts about your own priorities.



The Bear)

Find Alice Sheridan at: 

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Find more about Louise Fletcher:



Credits: "Monkeys Spinning Monkeys" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License