We are officially in the second to last month of the podcast and it’s actually my final month of guest interviews. So I decided my final topic guest interviews would be around side hustling and entrepreneurship, which you can imagine are subjects near and dear to my heart.
The Financial Gym has taken me on an 11-year entrepreneurial journey and it would have started as a side hustle if I was allowed to coach people on the side from my day job as a financial advisor. In August of 2013, I made the wild decision jump full force into an entrepreneurial journey without testing it via side hustle, and while I’m thankful for the journey, I would advise everyone else to start with the side hustle before it becomes the full hustle. So this month I’m going to share with you stories from side hustle through full entrepreneurship and everywhere in between.
Joining me today is Gala Aranaga, a lifelong creative who allowed her creative energy to lead her to various side hustles from composing music to buying a theater. Gala joins me today to talk about her journey, about why the word hustle gets a bad rap and why you should never be afraid to try anything once.
For more information, visit the show notes: https://www.martinisandyourmoney.com/show-notes/episode547)