cover of episode 3 Body Problem: a deep dive into the Netflix show

3 Body Problem: a deep dive into the Netflix show

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Physics World Stories Podcast

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Andrew Glester
Hannah Little
Jennifer Ouellette
Matt Kenzie
Andrew Glester: 本期节目探讨了Netflix剧集《三体》背后的科学、政治和伦理问题,并邀请了科学顾问、科学作家和语言学家共同讨论。 Jennifer Ouellette: 《三体》电视剧对原著小说的改编总体成功,娱乐性强,但深度不足。原著小说的独特之处在于其中国文化背景和对中国历史的深度刻画,以及生动的人物形象。剧集对原著角色进行了调整,扩展了故事的全球视野,但引起了一些争议。 Matt Kenzie: 作为科学顾问,我的工作涵盖了剧本创作、拍摄过程中的道具、视觉效果等各个方面,确保剧中科学元素的准确性和合理性。剧中科学家角色的刻画比较真实,他们拥有良好的沟通和团队合作能力。剧集在科学解释方面做出了努力,力求在剧情和科学合理性之间取得平衡。虚拟现实游戏这一设定,为展现三体世界提供了更大的艺术创作自由度。 Hannah Little: 《三体》中对人类与外星人初次接触的描述并非理想的范例,它反映了SETI社群内部关于METI的争议,以及缺乏沟通和决策机制的风险。人类一直在向宇宙发送信号,但并非所有信号都是有针对性的快速通信。即使发现外星文明,人类也需要建立一套机制来处理与外星文明的沟通,并确保沟通由合适的人员来主导。剧集回避了如何开始与外星文明沟通这一核心问题,但探讨了沟通方式和文明发展阶段的差异。如果与外星文明进行面对面交流,需要首先了解外星人的信息接收方式,并利用图像、数学等具有共通性的方式进行沟通。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why is the three-body problem significant in physics?

The three-body problem refers to any system where three objects exert significant gravitational forces on each other. Unlike a two-body system, which has a stable orbit, a three-body system is chaotic and hard to predict, making it a complex challenge in physics.

Why did the creators of Game of Thrones adapt The Three-Body Problem for Netflix?

David Benioff and D.B. Weiss, the creators of Game of Thrones, are known for their ability to adapt complex, multi-layered novels into engaging television series. They were drawn to the epic scope and the intricate narrative of The Three-Body Problem, which includes deep dives into Chinese history and advanced scientific concepts.

Why is the character of Wenjie significant in the series?

Wenjie, a young woman who grew up during the Cultural Revolution, is a key character because her traumatic past, including witnessing her father's death for being a physicist, shapes her actions. Her decision to invite aliens to take over Earth is directly tied to her deep-seated trauma and disillusionment with humanity.

Why are sentient protons (SOFONs) a central element in the series?

SOFONs are fictional, multi-dimensional protons that the aliens use to interfere with human physics experiments and communicate across vast distances. While purely fictional, they serve as a crucial plot device, explaining how the aliens can create hallucinations, spy on humans, and manipulate scientific data.

Why does the show use a virtual reality game to explain the alien world?

The VR game is a creative way to display the mysterious alien world without showing it directly. It allows for artistic freedom in visualizing complex physics concepts, such as gravity and time manipulation, and helps the audience understand the aliens' environment and challenges.

Why is the ability to lie a significant point of conflict between humans and aliens in the series?

The aliens in The Three-Body Problem cannot lie because their communication is directly linked to their thoughts. This creates distrust and suspicion towards humans, who can lie, leading to significant discord. The aliens see this ability as a sign of human inferiority and potential danger.

Why is the role of a science advisor important in a series like The Three-Body Problem?

A science advisor ensures that the scientific elements in the show are plausible and accurate, even if they are not entirely real. They help with everything from scriptwriting and dialogue to visual effects and props, ensuring that the show's science is consistent and enhances the storytelling.

Why is the use of the sun as an amplifier in the series feasible in theory?

The sun's layers and convection currents can theoretically amplify signals through constructive interference. However, this requires precise tuning and is not a phenomenon that has been observed. The concept is used in the series to explain how a signal can be amplified and transmitted across interstellar distances.

Why is the politicization of science a concern in today's world?

In today's highly polarized political environment, science is often politicized, leading to misinformation and distrust. This can affect areas like climate change, vaccines, and other scientific advancements, making it difficult for the public to discern fact from fiction and potentially hindering progress.

Why is the representation of diverse characters important in The Three-Body Problem?

The series includes diverse characters, including women and people from different ethnic backgrounds, which reflects a more realistic and inclusive portrayal of the scientific community. This helps to break stereotypes and provides a more accurate representation of the collaborative and diverse nature of scientific research.

Shownotes Transcript

This episode of Physics World Stories explores the science, politics and ethics in the Netflix series *3 Body Problem). *Adapted from the celebrated Chinese novel The Three-Body Problem) by Liu Cixin, the multi-layered story centres around humanity’s first contact with an alien civilization. As the drama unfolds, with physicists among its lead protagonists, the plot navigates the challenges of communicating with aliens across interstellar space – and the inevitable tensions that arise on Earth.

To discuss 3 Body Problem, podcast host Andrew Glester is joined by three special guests:

  • Matt Kenzie): the series’ science adviser, a particle physicist at the University of Cambridge. Kenzie’s role in informing the show’s scientific elements gives him unparalleled insight into the integration of physics into its narrative.

  • Jennifer Ouellette): a renowned science writer who reviewed Cixin’s book *The Three-Body Problem *)for Physics World back in 2015. Ouellette shares her thoughts on the book’s themes, and assesses the merits of the TV adaptation by the creators of Game of Thrones.

  • Hannah Little): a linguist at the University of Liverpool who is also a member of the SETI Post-Detection Hub). That initiative, based at the University of St Andrews in Scotland, considers how we should communicate with aliens should we discover we are not alone in the cosmos.

(Image courtesy: Ed Miller/Netflix)