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Are you getting ready to start solids with your baby? Have you heard some crazy, “RED FLAG” information? This week we read a couple of messages from listeners about solids and discuss what you can expect when your breastfeeding journey takes you to solid foods.
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Things we talked about:
Message from a listener [6:11]
Breastfeeding at night [8:00]
The toddler formula [13:20]
Human milk is the most nutrient dense food your baby can have [15:04]
Message from a listener [19:11]
The milk industry [21:11]
The WHO Recommendation [25:33]
Solids at 4 months? Or 6? [26:54]
The order of introducing foods [29:40]
Today's episode is brought to you by Peapod Mats! Say goodbye to troublesome milk puddles with our 100% leak-proof and super absorbent mats. Use code BADASS for 15% off at! Code valid through March 10, 2024.
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Links to information we discussed or episodes you should check out!
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Abby Theuring
Dianne Cassidy
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Music we use:
Music: "Levels of Greatness" from "We Used to Paint Stars in the Sky (2012)" courtesy of Scott Holmes at Holmes
Post partum mood disorders, Nursing in public, mastitis, preventing mastitis, hyperlactation, common breastfeeding problems, Positioning, Tongue tie, NY Times, Sustainability, Ceres Chill, Holidays, Rules, Breastfeeding misconceptions, high lipase, schedules, Growth spurts, sleep regression, Bedsharing, Overactive letdown, Marketing, formula marketing, Nestle, Bottle refusal, suck reflex, Rebecca Michi, Nursing Strike, Oral tension, Toxins, BFR’s, Exclusive pumping, , pelvic floor, pelvic floor health, Badass Breastfeeder, growth spurt, breastfeeding 101, engorgement, feeding cues, myths, gas, gassy baby, breastfeeding positions, flat nipples, inverted nipples, big breasts, Travel, TSA, Nipple pain, distracted baby, bit