It's the Season 17 finale and to wrap up yet another incredible season, I've got Vivian Tu of on the show to share her journey of being raised by immigrant parents, getting into an elite university to make her parents proud, becoming the lone woman of colour Wall Street trader on her team, then leaving it all for the world of Tiktok to become one of the most followed finfluencers who's been able to amass a net worth north of a million dollars in only two years. Oh, and did I mention she also has a new book coming out (that you can enter to win!) called ? As someone who has been a financial educator and influencer for close to 12 years, it was so fascinating for me to learn how Vivian was able to skyrocket into online popularity during the height of Covid while sticking to her Wall Street roots by making sure to educate her young following about the key things they should know about money and building wealth while staying true to her values. The podcast will be on break for January but expect to see Season 18 in February so I can finish writing my own book that will be out next winter! For full episode show notes visit:
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